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Are you tired of damaged nails?

Reduce dry and excessive cuticles, stop bitting nails & skin, helps soft, weak, flaking nails, repair nails after trauma, moisturiser, protect, stop bleeding & peeling off cuticles. Repair ridges and splitting nails.

The Magic Pen boosts nail growth.

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4 Tips to Make Your Nails Look Their Best for Christmas

4 Tips to Make Your Nails Look Their Best for Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner. You’ve got tons of things to prepare—from the house decorations to the holiday treats and Christmas dinner you plan to serve. But there’s one more thing you should think about. It’s your head-to-toe holiday look! And as you shop for new outfits and shoes, don’t forget to care for and prep your nails. It may seem trivial, but the look of your nails can complete (or ruin) your festive look. To help you get started, we’ve come up with several tips to make your nails look their best for Christmas. 

Oil them up.

It takes a few months for your nails to grow out from the cuticle bed to the tip. So if your nails are dry, weak or a bit damaged right now, it’s best to start treating them as early as possible. That way, you will have healthy and strong nails when the holiday season officially arrives. How to treat them? Start by oiling them up. Any essential oil will do. It’s best to apply oil to your clean nails before bedtime so the oils can soak into your nail tissue overnight. 

Want a better alternative? Use the Magic Pen Nail Cream. Like oil, it can moisturise, treat and revitalise your nails. Apply it once a day starting today, and you’ll likely see noticeable results in December (some of our customers saw results within a week of using the nail cream daily). And unlike oil, it’s easy to apply to your nails and doesn't make your nails oily, thanks to its pen-like design and high-tech cream consistency. 

Practice better nail care. 

The holiday season can be chaotic—there could be lots of home cleaning and using your hands to decorate the house, wrap the gifts and carry all the grocery items you bought. But remember to practice better nail care even if you’re busy with many tasks. A simple move of wearing gloves while washing dishes or cleaning the yard can go a long way when it comes to protecting your nails. Also, make sure not to use your nails to cut or scrape things off! It can damage your nails; go and get the scissors before decorating or gift-wrapping. 

Keep your nails shorter. 

While having long nails seems like a fashion statement, it is much healthier for your nails to be kept shorter and trimmed. So make sure to trim your nails in a rounded shape weeks before the holidays. That will help lower the possibility of your nails getting caught in something and ripping or breaking. Damaged nails don’t only look awful but also put you at risk of infection.

The Magic Pen Nail Cream comes with a nail file for free in the box, which you can use to trim the nails and avoid breaking.

Explore festive nail designs. 

Going to lots of parties this holiday season? You can make your nails look best by keeping them nice, short and clean. But you can also dress them up with some festive nail designs. For instance, you can do reindeer nails. Paint all your fingernails red except for one nail on each hand. Transform those bare nails into Rudolph using an off-white paint base, black polish for his eyes and antlers & red for his nose! You can also keep your nails classy by getting silver or sparkling French tips. But here’s a reminder: make sure to treat your nails after removing your Christmas-inspired nail polish or nail art. Again, you can use the Magic Pen Nail Cream for that. It’s available in three-pen or five-pen packs to suit your needs. 

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